Monday, January 13, 2014

My New Year's Resolutions

1. Eat breakfast.

2. Stay committed to my workout schedule.

3. Eat until I'm satiated, not stuffed.

4. Eat more whole grains.

5. Drink less soda.

5a. Drink more water.
6. Drink less alcohol.

6a. Drink BETTER alcohol

7. Be accountable for my health.

Today's lunch

Thursday, October 3, 2013


So the middle finger on my right hand is swollen and it HURTS. It had been bothering me for a few days, but nothing MAJOR. But last night during league, I noticed EXACTLY how swollen it was. Bowling was all kinds of uncomfortable. Since I have my own balls, they're drilled specifically for my hand. My hand as it is normally. Last night, though, it kept falling off, even without my glove.

So I looked up what causes a swollen finger. And, for once, cancer wasn't the first thing listed on WebMd. So I either have a) an infection, b) a broken finger, c) carpal tunnel, or d) an autoimmune disease.

Monday, September 30, 2013


Here's the before pictures. Don't get used to them because between TF, running and bowling--and the eventual return of lifting--I'm gonna look badass. Like Misty Knight, Monica Rambeau, Storm badass.

I slacked

Horrendously. So let's try this again. New pics and I'm going to STAY accountable.  There are things I want to do, and I can't do them if I'm going to backslide. I'm going to be moving into the next stage of my life and I want to do that in my ideal body and with my ideal hair.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

And that's what you missed on "Glee," er, I mean Thren

So I enjoy TurboFire, a lot actually. Even more than I liked Turbo Jam (and I loved me some Turbo Jam), but I needed something else. I was losing weight, but not just fat. (BTW, I just had to return a dress I bought online because I didn't realize how much weight I had lost and it looked like a tent on me.) And that's not Chalene's fault; it's a common problem with cardio.

So my solution? A TurboFire/ChaLean Extreme hybrid. I get the strength training I was missing from TF and the pure cardio I didn't get in CLX. I'm nearly finished with the second week, and I have to say (in Chalene terms, of course) that I think I've found my "soul mate workout." The first three weeks are mostly CLX, but week four gets you back into the swing of things with A LOT of TF. And I'm reading Chalene's book "Push." I'm currently up to "Day 8: Mapping Your Course." Yes, I really like Chalene Johnson that much. Considering getting a tat that says Turbo Girl when I get to goal size. That's still four dress sizes away, possibly five if I'm REALLY motivated.

I've really missed weights and I don't really like using resistance bands (which is what you mostly use for the circuit training in TF). I AM going to have to watch band basics, though, so that I don't get tripped up when I take the bands on vacation with me - that was one of the major issues when I did CLX the first time: I went on vacation, I couldn't switch the bands easily (dial-a-weights are your FRIEND) so I didn't get the most of my workout, I didn't workout the rest of vacation because I didn't want to deal with the hassle and then I came home and lapsed.
Diet-wise, I'm doing well. The MyFitnessPal app on my phone and the computer help keep me honest, especially since I've got my parents using the app. I do tend to overeat a little--now that I see what nutrients I'm not getting enough of in my regular meals, I'll try to make them up by snacking. It doesn't ALWAYS work out, but I try not to go over my max calories, extra workouts to compensate for when I do.

No measurements until the rest day of Week Five. Also, I still don't LIKE them, but push-ups are no longer the bane of my existence.

Fuck yoga, though.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

I'm Back, Bitches!!!

Yes, I'm back, with a NEW program to whip my fat ass into a less fat ass. If you haven't heard of the awesomeness of TurboFire, go HERE. Go ahead; I'll wait. Done? Good.

So you probably noticed two things. One, it's from my favorite fitness guru, Chalene Johnson. Secondly, it's an amped up version of Turbo Jam...and you know how I love me some TJ! I'd made my way about halfway through the prep schedule before I started slacking (yeah, yeah, I know. It's a theme), but tomorrow I start doing TurboFire proper. I got the TF Warriors to keep me on track, homework done early to keep me from being up late and missing workouts, my mom alongside me to make sure I get up at 5:00 AM to workout and Results and Recovery Formula to get me through the soreness. Also, I WILL do yoga (also known as Stretch 40). I know I hate it, but flexibility training IS important and will allow me to do things that I couldn't do before. In addition, I now bowl in a league Wednesday nights, am going to start going to Zumba classes and (possibly) get up early on Wednesday mornings to go run before class (haven't completely made up my mind on that, yet).

So let's get on to my monthly measurements:

Weight: 198 lbs
Chest: 47 5/8 in
Left Arm: 14 3/4 in
Right Arm: 14 3/4 in
Waist: 46 3/8 in
Hips: 45 1/2 in
Left Thigh: 25 5/8 in
Right Thigh: 28 7/8 in

No body fat measurements or pictures this go around because you've seen the other pics. You know I'm fat. I'll take pics at the end, though, before I go to the TF/CLX Hybrid.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Forgot about those measurements (and the rest of this phase's workouts, but I'll add those after I finish week 2 tomorrow).

Neck: 15 1/2 in
Chest: 47 in
Left Arm: 15 1/2 in
Right Arm: 14 1/2 in
Waist: 44 in
Hips: 47 in
Left Thigh: 26 1/2 in
Right Thigh: 28 in
Weight: 206.6 lbs